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July 24-26, 1918


July 24

On Wednesday evening, during our joyous visit from 'the Streeters, the three junior counselors and two of the countesses, selected, by lottery after much argument with muffler cut out and some speed for a band concert at Laconia.

The concert proved to be in honor of the 77 draftees who were leaving the next day, and it was proposed to "pass the hat" in the crowd, for a comfort fund for the boys.

Dr. Streeter with his usual "pepp" dared Peter to run an opposition to the two Laconia girls who were to canvas the crowd and collect for the fund. She hesitated just long enough for him, to put it up to Libby and Sally too; and shortly in two of the talkative "gent" in charge of affairs, one Mr. Carroll, the three, bloomers and all, with Dr. Streeter a body guard started out on their campaign.

To the everlasting glory of Camp Acadia they collected over $150.00, with only $30.00 to the credit of the Laconia maidens. Pride was in our hearts, joy in theirs, mere joy awaited them at the ice cream shop,
and the most joy of all came when the story of their deeds was told at camp. Some Juniors!

Mrs. Smith

July 26

The night of July 26 was spent in a very unusual manner. Camp Acadia went on an over-night trip to the Pinnacle, each one taking her own sullies.

About eight-thirty we retired. MY! What a restless night. The sweet little murmurs of mosquitoes aroused many tempers, while at twelve O'clock a number of girls could be seen walking about on the brow of the hill,
Later this ceased. When the welcome sun arose all faces were swelled with mosquitoe bites.

We left the Pinnacle at nine o'clock, stopping at Col. Cummings' Farm; there we were weighed, and drank some nice cool well water. Although we enjoyed our picnic camp looked pretty good to us.

Rosamond Martin.

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